The simple answer is Nothing, you can continue to work at your pace, as we continue to support you.
The Success Formula flexibility is of the utmost importance because we understand everyone’s life has a different level of priorities and in some case these can change from week to week. Structure your study around both your business and personal life.
Yes, there certainly is. (Please see terms and conditions).
Yes, we offer a 14 day, money back guarantee. Although we are happy to refund you and release you from the program we are also focused on improving our services and because we care we will ask you a couple of easy, simple no pressure questions on the reason why you are leaving us.
All online resources will also be withdrawn and not available for future use.
I do understand this is a real concern of many small business, and I am sure the concern has developed from lousy company reps and support you have experienced in the past.
I can assure you this won’t happen in the Success Formula. However, in the rare chance it might, you will Always have direct access to myself and between the 2 of us we will find you a consultant you and your business are compatible with.
The techniques and tools I teach through out this program will stay with you for life.
You will have the templates and tools not to mention the consultant support for as long as you hold an active account with us.
The video training you find in each module really does offer great content and rarely do we find anyone needs more.
Remembering the Success Formula is designed to free up everyone’s time and make upskilling easily accessible. If for some reason you find you do need personal hands on training in your salon/clinic, then we will organise this for you. (conditions can be discussed if this eventuates)
Of course this is at no additional cost to you.
There certainly is, remember I have been where you are, so I understand how valuable a payment plan can be to help you get the support you need when you need it, which is right now.
You can choose a payment method that suits your needs: Monthly, fortnightly or weekly payments. (Contact us directly for the details)
You will study in your own time and at your own pace.
You will receive subject streaming videos, e books and training tools. You will also receive unlimited online help 7 days a week, access to a live interactive Q & A session weekly and any new or updated video content streaming on our members resource site.
You will work through each module until you have mastered that skill before moving on to the next.
You can ask as many questions as you need to throughout the course.
You can get through any module as quickly as you like. In addition to our 8 modules, you will also find 2 bonus modules which are designed to create immediate confidence within your entire team.
There are absolutely no pre-requisites for any of our modules.
The Success Formula is designed for people with professional experience to give them ‘the’ point of difference with integrity and professionalism that stands out to the clients.
This allows you to step back into your personal life quickly and at a reasonable price.
Our unique step by step video training program along with the subject training templates explains everything from start to finish.
We have an extensive FAQ section for each subject which will cover most common problems.
You also have unlimited online help 7 days a week for any difficult challenges. Remember you will be assigned a consultant who has industry experience, who will develop a relationship with you, giving you the confidence to contact them at any time. The Success Formula team will work with you until you have mastered the section or sections you are having difficulty with.
We do not require you to do exams or assignments, however we have minimum practical requirements and understanding that must be met for each module, in order to maintain the Success Formula standard.
This is achieved at intervals throughout the program. You will find a revision form complete with a series of questions which will need to be answered before you move onto the next module.
This allows you to recognise how much you are learning and at the same time gives your consultant a solid indication if you need any extra help.The Success Formula team are focused on no one slipping through the cracks. We have a standard to maintain and promise to deliver you to that standard.
This will measure your understanding of both the theory and practical sides of the Success Formula. The revision sheets are open book and with no time limit, but we do expect everyone to achieve 100%. We will not fail you.
If any of your answers highlight to us, we will simply organise a mentoring session and personally go over the answers wo when you redo the questionnaire you are clearer on the answer and achieve 100%.
This question can only be answered by you. We can tell you that it is best value to buy the Success Formula program in Full up front rather than use our instalment plan. One payment made in Full offers over $1000 saving.
This really does rely on your goals and what you want to achieve and how quickly. One of the Success Formula team can help you make this decision if you feel you would like to talk through your options.
More questions?
If you have any further questions, please use the form here and I will answer you personally.